First get your materials. Take the waxed linen and fold in half. Put your Clasp in the middle and tie an overhand knot with a little room between the knot and clasp.
Take your first white bead and put it through one of the sides of the waxed linen. With the other side put in next to the bead then tie your knot. Repeat 3 times then tie your teal wood bead.
Take your white bead again through one of the sides of waxed linen and tie a regular knot. Then place the brass bead through both the sides of waxed linen. Do not tie a knot yet. Place another white bead through the same side you did the one before the brass bead. And tie the the knot like before.
When you have got to your desired length tie your last bead the same way. Now we will be making a clasp with the waxed linen! Tie a knot tight with both the pieces of string about a little less than an inch apart twice. Cut off the remaining waxed linen with a little room at the end. Enjoy your beautiful necklace!🌼
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